Monday, April 23, 2012

Meezer Monday: Be There Now

A couple nights ago, I woke up from a nightmare in which I was about to be permanently separated from Derrick and Lorenzo. True, Lorenzo was spotted like a palomino pony with a mane flaming autumn-leaf red, but I knew in the dream I would soon see him for the last time.

About to be, going to be, soon to be. That's the killer. 

The first thing I thought of, after keeping my eyes open long enough to delete the scene so I wouldn't have to go back to it, was the little puppet in this photo that my friend Kathy posted on my Facebook wall months ago. "I thought you might like this -- a photo from the WWII exhibit at the Imperial War Museum about the Kindertransport to Britain of Jewish children," she wrote. "This little meezer puppet journeyed with his child to England during the Kindertransport in 1939. As you can tell, he is a much-loved meezer." 

Oh man. And I wondered, what if his child left a real kitty behind? And what about all the cats who get separated from their humans? Lorenzo, abandoned on the street by his former owner, was so frightened in the shelter he became extremely aggressive. Derrick's intake photo, like so many others, is heartbreaking. Panting, cornered, bright pink-nosed. I'm so happy it turned out good for them. 

And for the little girl with the puppet. Unlike most of the children who evacuated during the Kindertransport, she saw both of her parents again. (I found that out here.) This is my tiny prayer for all those who didn't, and for all the kitties who've found themselves abandoned, for whatever reason. 'Cause sometimes it gets better.

And for Bing, who this is really all about.

Two nights after the nightmare, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I needed to use this song with this post. Don't ask. I'm not gonna bother : )

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Half the Man He Used To Be

Ruddy, muddy figurehead, you don't even know how stylin' you are in your "Caution: Wet Floor" cravat, so busy sailing that stormy cement sea.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's My Potty...

I just found out about the aerosol effect. Every time the toilet is flushed, an unseen mist comprised of microdroplets of fecal particles floats up into the air and can travel as far as 15 feet away, spewing your crap everywhere in what is known as the flush zone. Geesh. I guess that's why they say you should always put the seat down before you flush--another thing I'd never heard about until a few days ago.

I can only imagine what sort of effect was created by the activities captured in this photo, but at this rate, what's the use of worrying about the unseen mist? As it is it's like I'm living in a kitty locker room. I'd dragged the litter box into the hall in order to clean the bathroom floor, which was clearly, for Lorenzo and Derrick at least, the equivalent of the Super Bowl (ahem) being staged in your hometown. Derrick jumped in, and Lorenzo took a front-row seat, so enthralled with what went down he had to hang on to the railing. All this, and they still both smell like nag champa and don't have dirty feet from walking about barefoot like I do. How the heck does that work?

Pretentious and over-the-top, but it sounded pretty good after so long: