From a purely practical/pragmatic/no-nonsense-panthyhose kinda standpoint, faith/belief is such a timesaver because you don't have to worry 'bout a thing--no matter what happens, Jesus/you/Superman/your designated personal savior has your back. Like the universe will tell you the answer to everything you're looking for, albeit on a sort of island time schedule…
Like last Saturday, I was watching a rerun of The Monkees TV Show while getting my nails painted silver at the cheapie salon on First Avenue…the opening credits roll, Mickey…. Davy… Mike… Peter… Hmm…why can't I remember Peter's last name? Kinda like Tosh, but not… It was completely out of my mind, buy I refused to Google it. I'll do it like the old days, where 18 hours later the search engine in your head finally kicks in and it's like cherry/cherry/cherry in the slot machine, and out pops your answer…
Anyway, the next morning I was at the Y, and wow…there's my answer on the paper towel/toilet paper dispenser in the bathroom, just like the one above. I thought I'd take a photo, but I didn't have my camera. Then I forgot again when I want back on Monday… but there it was on Tuesday, in the bathroom at the Clara Barton rest stop on the Jersey Turnpike.
Tork, people. It's Tork.
It all happens at the Clara Barton.