Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Half the Man He Used To Be

Ruddy, muddy figurehead, you don't even know how stylin' you are in your "Caution: Wet Floor" cravat, so busy sailing that stormy cement sea.


  1. OH MAN! When I met Joe he had one of these in his studios! When he lost the studio and we moved in together, the guy came to our apt. We eventually had to get rid of him because he took up too much space, but it was heartbreaking.

    I hadn't thought about that in years! Wow, what a trip.

  2. Oh, and we put him on the street hoping someone would take him in and love him. What if it's the same one? You never know. Man, the stories he could tell.

  3. Hmmm... So he had to have found his way from Queens to First Ave and the 20s, outside one of the hospitals. Maybe he was just discharged or something. Did he have the same tan when you had him?

  4. I'm pretty sure he was just as dirty, but didn't have the neck fashion
